Voice Of The People

Unique venture lets you virtually try this expert advice

Kakcho, the creation of Riddhima, utilizes her personal experiences for her startup. Kakcho, says Riddhima, acts as a virtual wardrobe specialist and provides expert advice to its consumers. It functions as a personalized stylist and makes wardrobe suggestions according to 3 main factors: the job description of the client, her body type and the occasion of the event. Within 2 minutes, one can speak to their personal stylists at Kakcho. Riddhima claims that Kakcho is a platform that provides expert, authentic advice to its clients.

Tipping Point 1.0 has invited women from diverse field with a business acumen to compete and pitch their ideas. The competition consist of 3 Rounds: Registration and interviews would begin in November 2016, followed by the profiling of the startups and their mentoring all through December and finally concluding with the last phase of Final Pitch Competition, which is to take place in January 2017.

A space for emerging young women entrepreneurs, Tipping Point attempts to bring to light the best of women entrepreneurs that India has. It is a platform for women to meet up, pave the way for an intellectually stimulating discussion, which, in turn, would act as virtual guidance for future businesswomen.


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